Birthstone: Yellow Diamond
Virgo is a feminine earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Virgo rules the 6th
house, the area of work and health. The main keyword for Virgos is order!
The Orderly Virgo World
They like to have order and cleanliness in everything they do, in their
environment, in their personal hygiene, and even in the way they use
language. They also have very orderly, analytical, logical minds capable
of handling very complex and detailed projects and solving difficult
problems. Those qualities make them good accountants, librarians, editors,
lawyers, doctors, and scientists. Taken to an extreme, these traits can
make a Virgo appear on the surface as unemotional, cold, rigid, overly
perfectionist, and conservative. But in fact that is only an external
cover-up of their true emotional self.
Without necessarily revealing their real feelings, Virgos are often
cheerful, agreeable, charming, and witty. In intimate relationships, in
marriage and parenthood they can be loving and faithful. They are very
practical, down-to-earth people and good with their hands. Their clothing
tends to be conservative yet fashionable. They like garments with some
kind of pattern in them. Their love of details leads them to love to
collect things, a habit that can turn them into packrats.
Virgo rules the hands, nervous system, and abdomen. I used to have a
master goldsmith working for me who was a Virgo!
How Gemstones Can Enhance Your Virgo Experience
As a Virgo, you are aware of your strong qualities but perhaps also of
traits that need to be brought into better balance. Gemstones can help you
get in touch with your true essence and support parts of you that you want
to bring out more.
Gemstones have both physical and metaphysical qualities that can enhance
all aspects of your well-being. The perfectly aligned crystal structure of
gemstones creates an energy field that interacts with our own when you
hold it or wear it on your body. In this way, the gemstone can be used to
calm you, bring you mental clarity, increase your energy, enhance your
creativity, and much more.
Astrology and Gemstones
Astrological principles manifest at all levels of creation, from the
largest bodies in the cosmos to the tiniest particles of atoms—all are
part of the same network of universal energy. Based on the hermetic
principle "As above, so below," those universal principles allow us to
read relations among the planets and extrapolate those principles to
things here on Earth, to events in our lives, as well as to our natural
environment. The universal principles that govern the planets are also
seen on the much smaller level of gemstones, crystals, and metals.
The Signature of Gemstones
Each gemstone is associated with specific planets. You are already aware
that each planet has its own personality in astrology. And each gemstone
has a personal "signature"—specific metaphysical qualities, different for
each stone, that arise from the stone's association with its planets. It
reflects the chemical composition, crystal structure and color of each
unique stone.
How to Make Gemstones Work for You
By considering the individual signature of gemstones, you can select the
right gems for very specific purposes, according to their astrological
Gemstones can be used in three different ways:
* They are precious objects of beauty that may hold a special meaning
for us. We enjoy their beauty by giving them a special place on a
shelf, desk, or altar.
* They can be used in meditation by tuning into their frequency for
the purpose of balancing our energy field.
* They can be made into jewelry pieces for our pleasure, enhancing our
individual expression of beauty and sense of empowerment.
You can learn more about the metaphysical properties of 67 gemstones
through my book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones
that Delight the Eyes & Strengthen the Soul. I give you an introduction
into the astrological way of thinking, and teach you how to read your
personal horoscope and blue print for your life. Then you will be able to
balance yourself in your most important areas with your 12 main healing
gemstones, you could call your true birthstones.
My book Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery is a treasure chest of ideas
on how to select, purchase, and wear jewelry that will enhance your body,
heart, mind, and soul. Check it out at my site
Below you will find a description of the Yellow Diamond, one of the true
astrological birthstones for Virgo.
Yellow Diamond: The Sun Gem [1]
Diamonds represent the life force energy of the sun, the highest
expression of light and consciousness in our solar system and therefore
the gateway to higher perceptions of reality, other realms and dimensions.
Diamond is accorded the place of honor as the most special and precious
gemstone. As it is the hardest stone, it supports us by helping us to
achieve structure, self-discipline, and endurance in our lives so that we
may extend the boundaries of our capacities.
The Yellow Diamond is one of the true astrological birthstones for Virgo.
It has the highest light reflection of all yellow gemstones. It is a
unique and highly coveted stone. The most famous Yellow Diamond is the
Florentine Diamond, a huge, 126-facet stone weighing 137.27 carats. Found
in India, it first appears in legends in 1467 worn by Charles the Bold,
Duke of Burgundy. Since then it has belonged to the Medici family and a
variety of European royalty. It disappeared from the possession of the
Austrian imperial family during their World War I exile to Switzerland.
The Yellow Diamond represents the sun and pure life energy and joy,
meaning also love. Its golden light radiates into our body and soul,
reminding us of the truth of who we are: eternal beings of light and
The Yellow Diamond stimulates and enhances our creativity and
self-expression. It represents an artist of life who is able to celebrate
and respond to life and its challenges. The wearer of the Yellow Diamond
can stay very focused, determined, and patient as projects unfold.
This Diamond imparts the ability to keep the bigger picture in mind
without getting lost in details, making us very successful in all our
endeavors. We become winners with a golden touch like King Midas. The
beauty of Yellow Diamond is that all this is accomplished from a place of
love and sharing of our abilities with the world. The Yellow Diamond
models leadership in the new millennium.
I wish you a very enchanted journey into the mysterious world of healing
gemstones and looking at them in a new way! If you enjoyed this article
and my perspective on things, I like to invite you to also visit my
Astrological Signs Weather Report & Healing Gems Blog where I discuss the
actual, universal, astrological forces and gemstones and inspire you to
use them wisely for a more successful and joyful life.
Aloha and many blessings, Shakti.
Shakti Carola Navran: astrologer, jeweler and author
[1] Adapted from Jewelry and Gems for Self-Discovery: Choosing Gemstones
That Delight the Eye & Strengthen the Soul © 2008 by Shakti Carola Navran.
Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd. 2143 Wooddale Drive, Woodbury, MN 55125-2989.
All rights reserved, used by permission of the publisher.